Panna cotta from goat cheese Ile de France Chavre

For panna cotta:
goat cheese Ile de France Chavre — 150 g,
soft cheese, 9% — 100 g,
cream, 10% — 50 ml,
gelatin — 5 g.
For aromatic vegetable mix:
tomatoes — 3,
½ white onion,
pickles — 10,
balsamic vinegar — ½ teaspoon,
juice 1 lime,
olive oil — 2 tablespoons,
salt and pepper at taste

2 h 30 min.

Type of dishes



Put gelatin in a bowl with warm water, wait for 20 min. Cut the tops of the tomatoes crisscross and put them into boiling water for 30 sec. Hit with cold water and peel. Then slice each of them in quarters, clear from seeds and dice. Put tomato cubes into a medium bowl, cut onion, thin sliced pickles, lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegar, stir and put into a fridge. Mash goat cheese with a fork and mix with curd cheese. Add pepper. Don’t salt. Bring the cream to the boil, add gelatin, stir till homogeneous. Remove from the heat, let cool off and mix with the cheese mixture. Put cling film on the bottom of 4 portioned molds and spread the mixture homogeneously on it. Put into the fridge for at least 2 h Before serving take the panna cotta out of the molds, put on a plate and remove the film carefully. Serve with an aromatic mix of tomatoes and pickles.


Ile de France

The brand representing the best known French cheeses in the world. It is called in honor of the ship which first brought the French cheese brie to the United States of America. It happened in 1936 and since that time «Ile de France» has been the biggest exporter of French cheeses in this country.

Chavroux nature Ile de France

— 150 g —

Chavroux nature "Ile de France" is a unique type of natural, fresh, high-quality goat cheese in French traditions, which has been produced since 1985. Chavroux has the shape of a cut pyramid, has a soft, creamy consistency and a delicate, slightly salty taste. Contain a relatively small amount of fat and is used in diet programs.

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